In 2021, the Bowls Development Alliance (BDA) set up a new Bowls Inclusion Advisory Group to provide expert advice and guidance on the future development, implementation, and evaluation of a new and improved equality, diversity, and inclusion strategy.
Working closely with our key partners, a group of expert representatives, including those with lived experiences of protected characteristics will act as a check and balance for our new plan, reviewing content and offering direction.
Responsibilities of the Group
Provide advice and guidance on organisational approaches to embedding inclusion.
Develop and agree a programme of work and an annual action plan, monitoring and reporting on progress against the plan.
Assist the BDA and NGBs in the effective integration of equality, diversity and inclusion policies, procedures, and programmes.
Provide support to the BDA’s Executive in delivering specific programmes to raise awareness of inclusion.
Advise on equality and diversity-related issues, including those faced by underrepresented and marginalised communities.