More members
Recruiting and retaining members can sometimes be challenging but it is key to helping your club develop and thrive in the long term.
Have you tried some of these things:
- Running regular recruitment events/open days
- Attending local fetes and events
- Offering free coaching sessions
- Asking your members what they would like from their club
Our education platform has a course for you – “Running a successful open day”. Click below to visit the e-learning section.
Short on time? Have a look at our quick guides (you might find some quick wins here for your club).
Reach out to your local community
In your local community there will be many social and activity groups and engaging with just a few of these can help widen your clubs outreach even further. We have helped clubs to create connections with a wide range of local clubs and groups including:
- The WI
- U3A
- Age UK
- Schools
- Scouts & Guides
You could also think about running open days targeting specific groups; our Women Can programme can help provide you with hints and tips on running fun and exciting sessions for women.